


The good shepherd stands with no doubt as a solid production. Its carefully crafted plot is effective in conveing the captivating experience of Edward Wilson (Matt Damon), as he embarks on a path of no return. Through his experience, the film traces the obscure birth of the CIA.
From my personal experiences living internationally and several chances afforded to me to speak with former CIA officers, I have developed a skeptical view of its operations and a non-romantic 007 view of the officers' lives. While it presented their operations as often critical to the international balance and the standing of the U.S. in the world, the film portrays Edward Wilson's experience in a remarkably realistic and somber manner.



Kat and Tyler: llll.5

The Pursuit of Happiness is a truly endearing, honest and moving film. With remarkable performances from Will Smith and his son, this true life story of overcoming even the most difficult challenges for those we love has been done justice. Set in the San Francisco of the 1980's, the film portrays the struggle of Chris Gardner, a persistent but remarkeably unlucky working class father as he tries to take care of his family.
This is not the stereotypical "underdog" story. Yes, he has to overcome many obstacles to triumph in the end. However, what makes this story different is that the main character has so much more to lose. It is not just his shot at the championship game or the chance at making the team. It is his son and his entire life that is at stake. His course of action will determine wether he becomes a successfull stock broker and is thus able to provide stability for his son; or wether they are lost in the shadows as one more homeless family in SF.
Former mayor of San Francisco Art Agnos once said that most San Franciscans live just a few paychecks away from homelesness. This movie exemplifies that persistent fear of so many working class Americans better that anything. It brings to life the daily hardships of merely having a bed to sleep on each night.
The title brings several thoughts to mind. The declaration of independence as well as much of the political philosophy that brought to life this country came from the enlightenment and thinkers such as Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. But Thomas Jefferson had the tact to replace the word "property" as an essential right in Locke's Second Treatise of Government for the "pursuit of happiness". Why "pursuit" wondered Chris Gardner, exhausted by the cycle of poverty in which he is caught. Perhaps because we can never really achieve it, but simply spend our lives in its quest, he reckons. One of the underlying revelations of the movie is how critical the fulfillment of those basic rights, including the "pursuit of happiness"or in this case "property", is to their lives. Nevertheless, they are capable of holding together and giving magic to even the most difficult moments.
With a strikingly beautiful and original story, warm and often breathtaking performances and virtually no weaknesses to speak of, this movie very much deserves our highest rating.


Kat: ll

Based on a series of novels Eragon tells the story of a young farmboy who is suddenly thrust into a world of swordfights, magic, and dragons. Although this story may be somewhat reminicent of the Lord of the Rings it is anything but. While the LOTR ranks a 4,4.5 and 5 star movies respectively this one does not even come close.

Although I did find the story amusing and entertaining there was nothing particularly new or spectacular about it. It did have some beautifull scenery and some of the special effects were fun to watch but in the end the story itself was a tired one. It left me with a feeling of .... "been there, done that." Its not that I feel that I have seen the same story before, it is that I have seen it done better 100x before . It is a plethora of cliches.

If you are in the mood for some fantasy on the big screen go for it.... just do not expect to be amazed :)



Kat: lll
Tyler: ll.5

Blood Diamond presents the pursuit of a rare pink diamond in the war-torn country of Sierra Leonne. The film is incredibly ambitious, but ultimately collapses. Its failures are due to a mixed script with powerfully original ideas and tired action movie cliches, sometimes overdramatic and cheap performances, a scatterred direction and most notably, poor editing. Most regratably, the movie bases itself on a shattering yet conveniently ignored subject, and makes a generally mediocre action movie: big explosions, unexplicable romance, roughly developed characters, and an overload of cliche twists.

The movie coragiously attempts to expose the destructive nature of war diamonds and their impact of fueling regional conflicts. Leonardo DiCaprio performs a ruthless and amoral diamond smuggler, who will not care to take advantage of those around him in order to survive. Then again, "while in America its bling bling , in Africa its bling bang".

For someone who grew up in Africa such as myself, the explicit portrayal of racial and economic problems as well as critical regional conflicts felt remarkably realistic. Comments made on the touchy issue of race relations in these former European colonies and still greatly dependent economies, revealed a comfortable understanding of Africa and its many subtleties. It is very clear that the creation of this film, in particular its script required collaboration between experts in the field of African affairs and Holliwood pros. The result is mixed, and unfortunately, instead of a masterful critique of a serious international problem, felt like a merger between a great movie like Hotel Rwanda and a cheesy bloodbath like Rambo.

I have to admit that I liked that this movie deals with a topic that is rarely, if at all, discussed. I found that in some instances it was very moving and heartbreaking to see the process of how "conflict diamonds" are mined; how child soldiers are used in militia; and the displacement of victims in refugee camps. However, it disapointed me. This movie had huge potential of being five stars, but drops the ball. It fails in its attempt to be a socially concious moving potrayal of the industry, and falls into the trappings of an action movie.

Set in an African backdrop, the scenes and the photography could have been powerfull, moving, earthshattering but in the end they were not exploited enough. A movie that does this well is the Brazlian film "Behind the Sun" set in an arid desert in no-mans-land the photography and scenery are breathtaking and ultimately adds to the movie.

This movie did not live up to its potential. It did not do justice to a critical international issue, which deserves more public attention and a far better and more tactful film. Too bad, I really wanted it to :)

Kat and Tyler